
What's the next music generator?

The answer is this by Microsoft. Songsmith can generate a song for you. The commercial film which made by developers is completely different with what I expected. And look! It’s a MacBook Pro! You know Miku HATSUNE? It’s a Japanese awesome song generator. But these two softwares have a different approach. Songsmith generates music it […]


Bill Gates Retires

June 27th. Celebrate Bill Gates Day with us here at Engadget – Engadget You know I’m an Apple enthusiast but it’s time to say “I appreciate for your tons of epoch maeking work” to Bill. He definitely made the history of this industry, so really hard to think another possibilities of software and internet businesses […]


Imagine the future of Microsoft and Yahoo!

I just thought about it. 1. Microsoft offers Yahoo! (Start) – Acquisition goes into operation. Jerry Yang feels complexity. 2. Some companies enter – All of them want Yahoo!. AOL thinks they wanna acquired. 3. No one can’t compete against Microsoft – No enought money except Microsoft. And others decide to go off. 4. Microsoft […]