
Disadvantage Of Start-ups In Osaka

Osaka is the second largest city of Japan but to be honest, it’s not the best place to start a start-up. Why? The reason is quite simple. Osaka have not many universities in the central part of the city. I feel it every times when I work with companies in Kyoto or Tokyo.


New Personal Payment Methods May Change The World Economic Rules

This kind of products will make a new tech/business trend, I think. Currently we don’t have any tools to pay small amount of money each other except cash inside your pockets. What kind of dream you can imagine with this brilliant concept? Didn’t know but Jack Dorsey joined as co-founder. Sounds cool.


Community VS Market

I found a must read article. Hiroyuki NISHIMURA talked about his view about communities, CGM and markets around it. — [OGC2008#03]「2ちゃんねる」と「ニコニコ動画」のひろゆき氏が語る,ゲーム・コミュニティ・文化(シヴィライゼーション4【完全日本語版】) I’m just thinking about the next step of my business on the internet. Some of my thought were different from his one. On the ohter hand, some were same. Anyway, I got inspired […]


Imagine the future of Microsoft and Yahoo!

I just thought about it. 1. Microsoft offers Yahoo! (Start) – Acquisition goes into operation. Jerry Yang feels complexity. 2. Some companies enter – All of them want Yahoo!. AOL thinks they wanna acquired. 3. No one can’t compete against Microsoft – No enought money except Microsoft. And others decide to go off. 4. Microsoft […]