
Sayonara, Japan's Cryptocurrency Market

Binance A number of negative incidents have occurred in succession within the cryptocurrency market of Japan. The first is that the cryptocurrency exchange Binance has ceased its developments in Japan. They withdrew from the Japanese market after a warning from the Financial Services Agency that made it sound like they were committing a crime. They […]


ICO fraud, hard fork fraud, simple fraud

So many frauds There are rampant frauds by phishing websites that disguise as exchanges. What is more, their methods are also becoming increasingly cunning, sometimes leading the victims to enter their own private keys, tricking them into thinking that they are being helped to retrieve cryptocurrencies that have been sent as a mistake. We might […]


Mom's ICO

The era of Moms doing ICOs has arrived When I attended a consensus in this year, I was approached by a woman around my parents’ age who said, “I am going to do an ICO.” Just in case anyone doubts me here, this really is a true story. After that happened, as I was thinking […]


What do ICOs destroy?

The major premise of ICOs What do ICOs destroy? I have declared that I will stop talking about this in public, so I had put down what I always used to say when I had the opportunity to talk in public in a written document. Many people understand ICOs to be an easy method of […]


The Real Innovator

In this world, there are people who want to prove their existence even if it means holding others back. Regardless if they realize it or not, they are not productive when they are criticizing others. In the world of cryptocurrencies, many people are considered “shady” if not downright frauds, and thus they have many enemies. […]